But here I am pulling up butter beans and getting ready to store the canoe we didn't ever get out in. I guess it's time to put those white shoes and Hawaiian shirts up for another year.
I always think of the great Weill/Anderson song with that title. Not only is it a haunting melody, it is a poignant lyric about a man who finds himself getting to the autumn of his life and knowing the days are picking up speed. "When autumn weather turns leaves to flame one hasn't got time for the waiting game". Man, is that ever true.
I wrote a lot of songs, traveled a lot with Steph and played a lot of shows this summer. Went to New York, Las Vegas, Miami, Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Alaska and Nashville 12 or 15 times.
My garden underachieved. My yard still has the Johnson grass I was going to dig up by hand. I had the best of intentions, though.
In the end, there is just never enough time, is there? Do yourself a favor and take the time to go to YouTube and listen to "September Song" by Frank Sinatra. A great song, great singer, great arrangement and great recording.